
Ayman Bagabas is a software engineer passionate about building innovative software to improve people’s lives. He was born in Saudi Arabia and now is based in New York City.

He received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Georgia Southern University in 2019. He is currently working as a Software and DevOps Engineer at Charmbracelet, Inc.. Previously, he worked as a Junior Software Engineer at MyHealthily.

Ayman is interested in system designs, distributed systems, IoT and embedded systems, and software engineering in general. Feel free to drop him a line if you have any questions or comments :)

While not working on his daily job, Ayman spends his time hacking on open source projects, learning new technologies, making music, exploring nature, and sometimes playing video games.

Name pronunciation: Aye-man Ba-ga-bas



You can find my PGP key here. Or you can import it with the following:

gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 593D6EEE7871708E329619322EBA00DFFCC63351
gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 593D6EEE7871708E329619322EBA00DFFCC63351
curl -sL https://aymanbagabas.com/key.asc | gpg --import

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