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22 Aug 2018 0 Comments

Headings in HTML are essential, they can be used in subject titles, page names, etc. In HTML, there are 6 levels of headings, starting with h1 which is the largest heading and going through h6 which is the smallest. Usually, headings tend to be in bold text like this one:


The same goes with the rest levels of headings.

Using Markdown language, headers can be applied by adding square signs # indicating the heading level. An alternative syntax for h1 and h2 is to underline the header with = or with - for h2 headers.

# This is h1 header
Or it can be this way

Header h2

##### Header h5

Links and pictures can be added by the following syntax:

[link title](actual link) for links
![alt title](image link) for pictures
Markdown is very simple, so simple that it is very good for writing lecture notes or webpage contents.